October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. An annual campaign happens in this month to increase awareness of the disease.

So we are here to educate you on a few things you should know about boobs aka breasts.

1. You can get a degree in Bra Studies from Hong Kong.

Women will agree that we need more innovative brassieres. So, this degree is a legit one. China’s biggest lingerie manufacturer, Top Form, has a bra lab at its factory. The company makes more than  bras for well-known labels, including Victoria’s Secret, Playtex and Maidenform.

2. No two boobs are the same.

Just like no two things are equal in the world, a pair of boobs are not identical. Also the left boob is bigger than the right in most women.

3. Almost all boobs have stray hairs.

So if you dislike hair, you might want to whip out hose tweezers and go a-hunting.

4. There are about 8 different types of nipples.

Nipples can either be normal, flat, puffy, or inverted. What type are yours? Go here to find out and keep it to yourself. It’s for your personal consumption.

5. Breast cancer isn’t only hereditary.

Though breast cancer can be in one’s family history, it can also be triggered by

the environment and what we eat, being overweight or obese, birth control, alcohol, etc.

6. Regular self breast exam is necessary.

Regular self examination and testing when abnormalities are discovered are required. Early detection have saved the lives of many women.

7. Breast cancer doesn’t happen only in women.

Contrary to popular believe, breast cancer doesn’t only happen in women, but in men as well. Men have boobs too so like women, men have to perform a breast self exam.

8. Men can also lactate.

Certain types of cancer treatments can cause lactation in men.

9. Cancer isn’t the end of the world.

With large strides being made in managing cancer and research going into discovering the cure, there are ways to living with the disease.

Women that had a mastectomy can get breast implants, chemotherapy to control cancer causing cells, etc.

All in all, we should all try our best to have a healthy lifestyle and take care of our environment. It begins with us.



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