1. When you have to pretend to care about people and their problems.

2. When someone tells you their boyfriend is cheating and your first instinct is to laugh, like:

3. When you don’t feel sorry for crying babies, instead you’re like:

4. When your friends always use you to deliver harsh messages, because they know your heart is made of stone.

5. When you see people fall down, you’re like:

6. When your boyfriend tells you he loves you, but you’re wondering how that one is your business.

7. When someone thinks just because they’ve apologised, everything can go back to normal.

8. When people say “I’m disappointed in you”, you’re like:

9. This is your permanent mood, at least on the inside!



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.